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Saturday, October 10, 2009



1. Mega Antioxidant

2. Chelated Mineral

Among the most well-rounded nutritional supplements on the market, the Essentials™ fuel your body with the micronutrients it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This upgraded formula also contains USANA's Patented Olivol®, an ingredient which cannot be found in any other multivitamin/mineral formula anywhere. A complementary blend of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants make the Essentials™ a must for anyone interested in true health.*

  • All ingredients are highly bioavailable
  • Contains USANA's Patented Olivol, olive-fruit extract
  • Unique blend of powerful antioxidants provides comprehensive protection from oxidative stress*
  • Guaranteed high-potency formula comprised of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and co-factors
  • Laboratory tested for guaranteed quality
  • Meets U.S.P. guidelines for potency, uniformity, and disintegration, where applicable

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

Essentials FAQs

Why did Usana change the Essentials?

Nutritional science is a very fast growing and exciting field of research. As new research is published, adjustments in products are often necessary to keep current. Formulations, ingredients, technologies and labels are periodically updated and improved to account for new research, customer feedback, and changes in government regulations. We are also keenly aware that regardless of the quality, the products must also be easy to use and convenient. The new formulations have been adjusted to better represent current nutritional research and reduced in size to improve convenience.

What are the directions for using the new Essentials?

Take two (2) Mega Antioxidant and two (2) Chelated Mineral tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Why do I have to take four (4) Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral tablets a day instead of three (3)?

In order to make the Essentials tablets easier to swallow, we have made them 3/4 the size. However, because the tablets are now smaller, the nutrient amounts per tablet have also decreased making it necessary to increase the amount of tablets required.

Will I notice any difference when I take the new Essentials compared to the old Essentials?

The new Essentials provide an overall improvement in the nutritional content. However, there should be no noticeable difference in the way that you feel when you take the new Essentials formulation as compared to the old formulation.

Can I take this new formula with my current medications?

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer any questions concerning your medications. Please check with your pharmacist, physician, or other health care professional.

Are there any precautions I should be aware of before I start taking the new Essentials?

When taking the USANA nutritional supplements, it is always important to take them with food, preferably a complete meal. Food buffers the stomach reducing the chance of G.I. upset, and enhances the body's ability to absorb certain nutrients. It is also very important to keep the body hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids every day. Fluids also help to facilitate the distribution of nutrients throughout the cells in your body.

Are there any artificial colors or preservatives used in the Essentials?

The Essentials do not contain any artificial colors or preservatives.

When is the "best time" to take my Essentials tablets?

It is always best to take the Essentials with a complete meal.

Do the new Essentials contain gluten?

The Essentials do not contain gluten.

Why did the amount of vitamin D increase?

Numerous research studies have been published within the last few years indicating that vitamin D deficiency is more widespread than previously thought. In addition, new research has suggested that to overcome these deficiencies and problems associated with a lack of vitamin D, recommended intakes should be increased significantly. Although vitamin D can be toxic in excess, new information shows that the upper limit is more than 4,000 IU per day in a person with normal vitamin D levels to begin with. This is in sharp contrast to old information published in the early 1970's on which the previous upper limit was established (2,000 IU). The new level of 600 IU included in the Essentials will help to better establish and maintain healthy levels of vitamin D when added to typical dietary intakes and sunlight. Adequate Vitamin D is very important in the prevention of many chronic health problems.

Why was the amount of vitamin B12 increased?

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), in combination with B vitamins folic acid and vitamin B6, have been shown to be important nutrients in the maintenance of normal homocysteine levels. Abnormal homocysteine levels are considered to be a risk factor for heart disease. Vitamin B12 requires a protein secreted by the stomach for proper absorption and utilization. However, due to increased intakes of certain medications (ie. antacids, acid blockers), an increasingly elderly population and other factors, actual requirements for vitamin B12 may be higher for many people than can be achieved through diet and typical supplement dosages. Since vitamin B12 is virtually non-toxic at any level, the amount provided was increased substantially to account for a greater percentage of the typical population who may not be getting enough.

Why was glutathione removed?

Glutathione is a compound that is part of one of the body's most important antioxidant systems. However, glutathione itself is not absorbed intact very efficiently. One of the best ways to increase glutathione levels in the body is to provide the building blocks and precursors needed to manufacture it within the body. N-acteyl L-cysteine (NAC) is an effective precursor to glutathione and more efficiently raises levels in the body than taking glutathione itself. Thus, we have increased the NAC levels significantly and removed the glutathione compound. We also provide substantial amounts of other important nutrients associated with glutathione such as selenium and vitamin E.

Why did the amount of copper decrease?

The copper level was decreased from 3 mg per day to 2 mg per day. This was done mainly to provide a better ratio to the existing level of zinc, and to be more in line with newer dietary recommendations.

Why does the formula contain vanadium citrate instead of vanadyl sulfate?

There is no significant difference between vanadyl sulfate and vanadium citrate as far as quality is concerned. Whenever possible we try to make our product formulations as uniform as possible for all countries. Vanadium citrate is an accepted form in more markets so it used for reasons of consistency.

Why did you decrease the Vitamin E from 450 IU to 400 IU?

Although the amount of Vitamin E as d-alpha tocopherol was slightly decreased, an additional 34 mg of mixed tocopherols (mainly gamma tocopherol) was added so that the total level of tocopherols remains basically the same.

What are Cinnamon Extract and Pomegranate Extract and how are they beneficial?

Bioflavonoids are a diverse group of naturally occurring plant compounds that exhibit a host of biological activities, most notably for their powerful antioxidant properties that complement, extend, and synergize the antioxidant activities of other nutrients making them an important nutritional component in the Essentials.

Pomegranates are a good source of antioxidants. The type of antioxidant in pomegranate is somewhat different than the compounds already in the complex, and as such, it adds to the biodiversity of the complex.

Cinnamon extract contains bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins that are very similar to the proanthocyanidins contained in grape seeds. Again this is a new type of antioxidant in the complex. Cinnamon has been studied for its effect on increasing insulin sensitivity and help in controlling blood sugar levels.

Why did the amount of alpha-lipoic acid increase?

The amount of alpha-lipoic acid per tablet has remained at 5 mg per tablet. Because the daily dosage has increased to 4 tablets per day, the amount of alpha-lipoic acid has increased by 5 mg.

Why are you using a mixture of calcium carbonate and calcium citrate?

Calcium carbonate contains more calcium by weight than calcium citrate; by adding calcium carbonate to the formula we were able to make the tablets smaller while still keeping the same amount of elemental calcium. This mixture has been used in Usana's Active Calcium for several years.

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