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Saturday, October 10, 2009

USANA Athletes

For more than 15 years, athletes from around the globe have trusted USANA nutritional supplements to increase their energy levels and maintain their health.* USANA's team of highly trained scientists follow Good Manufacturing Practices to ensure the safety and quality of each product, products that have been proven so safe, effective, and free of contaminants that renowned organizations such as U.S. Speedskating, Speed Skating Canada, Biathlon Canada, the elite athletes of the WTA Sony Ericsson Tour and a myriad of other professional athletes worldwide trust their health to USANA.

Athlete Guarantee Program

Trust is a major issue for athletes competing for a place in the Olympics and other high profile athletic competitions. Taking nutritional supplements to help maintain health shouldn't place an athlete at risk for testing positive for a banned substance. Broadly publicized allegations of contaminants in supplements lead many top athletes to wonder if taking supplements will jeopardize their future ability to qualify for competition. In fact, national Olympic committees have written to their athletes warning them of the potential danger of contaminants, encouraging them not to consume any nutritional supplements.

To date, no nutritional supplement company has stepped forward to assume their portion of the liability that a banned substance contamination would create. USANA offers an ironclad solution through its Athlete Guarantee Program. This confident stance in a high stakes venture strengthens our industry-leading position and affirms our commitment to providing Nutritionals You Can Trust.

USANA is currently reviewing applications for the Athlete Guarantee Program from select members of the Canadian Olympic team who qualify under the terms of the agreement. For consideration the athlete must provide the following:

  • Proof of membership on Olympic team
  • Proof that the athlete has never tested positive for a banned substance
  • Results of most recent test
  • Verification of earnings from sport within past 12 months

Upon review and acceptance of the application, USANA will guarantee that, during the term of the agreement, should the athlete test positive for a banned substance included in the WADA list of banned substances as a result of taking USANA® nutritional products, USANA will compensate the athlete with up to two times his or her current annual earnings up to $1 million CAN. USANA will enter into an agreement with the athlete at the Company's discretion. USANA will mail the contract to the athlete with additional product ordering information.

Are you ready to take your place among the elite? Fill out the Sponsorship Form and enter “Athlete Guarantee Program” in the box titled “Monthly dollar amount of product.”

WTA Tour

Sony Ericsson WTA Tour
"Up until now, the inability of our players to take vitamins and health supplements without fear of accidentally ingesting a prohibited substance has been a real issue. In USANA, the Tour has found a manufacturer that cannot only meet the Tour's...rigorous anti-doping standards, but one that is also willing to back it up with both athlete and Tour guarantees. This is fantastic news for players, and a critically important step forward in ensuring player health while maintaining the strict anti-doping standards that are necessary to continue to ensure that women's tennis remains a clean sport."
-Larry Scott, CEO of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour

US Speedskating Team
“US Speedskating thanks USANA for contributing to the sport of speedskating by meeting the nutritional demands of our athletes as we pursue greatness at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games in 2010.”

—US Speedskating Team, 2008

Biathlon Canada
"Biathlon is one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports on an athlete’s body. Our national team athletes train extensive hours throughout the year and staying healthy is critical to their pursuit of excellence. We are delighted to be partnering with an industry leader in providing the highest quality nutritional products to ensure our athletes are ready to train and perform at their best each day."

— Joanne Thomson, executive director, Biathlon Canada

Speed Skating Canada
“For many years Speed Skating Canada’s unofficial motto has been ‘The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence.’ To achieve excellence means to be partnered with excellence, and Speed Skating Canada is proud to have USANA as an official supplier to our national team athletes. We thank USANA for continuing to be a critical partner in our successes and quest for excellence.”

—Speed Skating Canada, 2008

Cross Country Canada
"USANA® products have been pivotal over the past two years in providing our team with an extensive line of quality dietary supplements, guaranteed clean products, necessary for high performance training in the sport of cross-country skiing."

—Tom Holland, Director of High Performance, Cross Country Canada

USA Luge
"Finding a safe, tested, and reliable source of nutritional supplements for our athletes is not an easy task. We are glad to have a trusted, quality brand like USANA to help our teams train harder and recover faster."*

-Gordy Sheer, marketing director, USA Luge

Great Britain Short Track Speed Skating Team

"The National Ice Skating Association (NISA) welcomes this exciting partnership between Great Britain Short Track Speed Skating and USANA…We are pleased to be associated with such a prestigious and internationally renowned company. This partnership will benefit the athletes and raise the profile of not only NISA but USANA as well.”

—Keith Horton, NISA General Secretary

USA Team Radcliff (bobsled competitor)
“I’m very pleased to be associated with such a great company and I look forward to the future, including Vancouver. I’ve known about USANA for years because of its association with the US Speedskating Team and appreciate the way the company stands behind its athletes.”

Team Kelly Scott, Curling
“With all the traveling and competing the team does throughout the year, we feel that taking USANA supplements over the past two years has helped to keep us healthy and able to compete at our full potential.”

Derek Parra, Olympic Gold and Silver Medal U.S. Speedskater
“USANA was a key difference in my winning the gold and setting the world record at the 2002 Winter Games.”

Werner Berger, Expert Mountain Climber
“I have taken USANA products for the past 12 years and have known throughout my journey that these tremendous products have helped make climbing at my age possible. I sincerely thank USANA for providing the high-quality nutritional supplements that have helped me make the most of my body and my life.”

Kelly Timberman, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)
“Those who have health, have hope and those who have hope can accomplish anything.”

Ryan Ragan, Professional Surfer
“USANA products give me the endurance I need both in and out of the water.*”

Jose Antonio Rivera, Professional Boxer
“I started taking USANA Nutritionals and as a result I feel healthier and stronger.* Despite all that I put my body through, I now feel better than ever. Seeing and feeling the results that USANA products had on me inspired me to become a USANA Independent Associate. Let me tell you—I will never look back!”

Timothy Ray Bradley, Jr., Professional Boxer
“I felt the difference in my energy levels right away after taking the USANA supplements. I felt so strong in the ring, I was starting to become afraid of myself! The RESET™ weight-management program, Nutrimeal™ drink mixes, and USANA® Nutrition Bars helped me get to my required weight, and it was so much easier than what I had done before. And, I have been able to train harder with more strength and endurance.”*

Vassiliy Jirov, Olympic Gold Medalist and World Boxing Champion
“I am as determined and proactive with my health needs as I am with my boxing career. I’ve researched the best possible nutritional supplements in the world—not all supplements are equal. I stand by only the best quality. I have used numerous USANA® supplements, drinks, and other USANA products for over a year now, and I believe they are the most effective, best quality supplements on the market…I believe in USANA products and will continue to utilize them for many years to come.”

Jen Heil, CA Freestyle Mogul Skier
“Being Olympic Champion, World Champion, and four-time World Cup Overall Winner in Freestyle Mogul skiing is no fluke; it’s the result of years of meticulous training and preparation. USANA products are part of my daily routine. They help ensure that I maintain good health along with proper energy levels to train, travel, and compete around the world.”

Jillian Vogtli, U.S. Freestyle Mogul Skier
"I have been using the USANA products and I will use no other. I truly respect my body and am very aware of what I put in it. That is how I came to find USANA. I believe in the quality of the products as well as the research that is behind it."

Julia Murray, Canadian Ski Cross Team
"I have taken USANA® vitamins for four years now, and they have helped me stay strong through the seasons of ski racing. I notice my recovery period is faster after a hard workout, which helps with the volume of training sessions I can put in. The USANA products give me a feeling of well-being every time I consume them. I know I have the essential vitamins I need to do what I do on the ski hill and off. USANA definitely plays a part on my road to the Olympics!"*

Audrey Robichaud, Freestyle Mogul Skier
“I care a lot about my health and my physical condition, which is why I choose to use the USANA Nutritionals on a daily basis. When I’m on the road for training and competition, I cannot always find a balanced diet everywhere I go. The USANA products provide me with the nutrients I need. I first used the products a month before the end of my freestyle ski season. I felt a high level of energy, and I finished with a gold medal in dual-moguls at the Canadian national freestyle ski championships. I want to maintain this excellence in my sport, and I want to achieve the best performance I can. I believe that USANA increases my energy and helps me get to the end of a long season.”*

Bret Hedican, Ice Hockey NHLPA
“I purchased USANA products for years before I was sponsored by USANA. The products have given me great consistency with my health and my athletic performance. I truly believe they helped me make the 2006 Olympic team and stay healthy to win the Stanley Cup in the same year.”*

Jennifer Botterill, Canadian National Women's Hockey Team
"As athletes, we are continuously pushing ourselves and demanding a lot from our bodies each and every day. USANA Essentials™ and Optimizers supplements have been a great addition to my lifestyle and an important part of looking after myself. They help me sustain my energy, and they allow me to perform at my best!"

Darren Niedermeyer, Pole Vaulter
“Not all supplement manufacturers are the same. After reading the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, I decided to give USANA a chance because of their athlete guarantee and high quality. I realized my recovery time dropped significantly and ultimately allowed me to train harder. That is why I trust USANA and will continue to tell my family and friends about their products.”

Achraf Tadili, Olympic 800-meter Track & Field Runner
“As a two time Olympian and Commonwealth and Pan American Games Medalist, I choose USANA® nutritional products as a part of a healthy lifestyle for my well-being and ability to perform to my full potential. USANA products enhance support my recovery after exercises, help me to achieve and maintain an optimal body weight, and improve daily training workouts.”*

Jared MacLeod, Olympic Track & Field Hurdler
"As a full-time athlete, I really push my body to the limit with all the intense workouts and training I do. In the past, I found my body would easily get run down, and I would just feel exhausted, which had a negative impact on my training. However, since I've been taking the USANA products, I am able to maintain my good health throughout the training season and I recover much faster from workouts. This allows me to train harder and prepare better for competitions."*

Gina Grain, Olympic Cyclist
“USANA has helped me push my body to new extremes. I am confident that by taking USANA supplements, my body is regenerating itself properly and safely.”*

Daniel Carruthers, Deaflympic Cyclist
“I have been taking USANA products for seven months now and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my ability to train hard and recover quickly for the next training session. I have also noticed sustained energy during my races and this has boosted my ability to perform when it counts in the late stages of a race. In fact, 2008 was my best season in my three-year career of elite-level racing, and I can attribute a large part of this success to USANA products.”
Photograph by Paul Doran

Jarred Rome, Olympic Track & Field Discus Thrower
"I have been a professional track and field athlete for almost a decade, and one thing that I have learned in those years is the importance of supplementation. I do not train without them, as my energy and recovery would suffer. I have tried so many other companies’ products during my career and none of them match up to USANA. I get such a great, healthy feeling using their products*. Whether you are a professional athlete or someone looking for an improved lifestyle, I would strongly recommend USANA as your everyday supplement company. Some of my favorite products are the Essentials™, Proflavanol® 90, CoQuinone® 30, BiOmega™, Procosa® II, and Hepasil DTX™" supplements.

Doug LaBelle II, Professional Golfer on PGA Tour
"I have been taking the USANA supplements since 2006 and they are an important part of my daily routine. These supplements enable me to battle fatigue due to all the traveling I do from week to week. Thanks to USANA, I am able to stay healthy and focused everyday*."

D.J. Carrasco, Pitcher, Major League Baseball
"Through the course of a 200+ game schedule and the rigors of travel, I demand a lot from my body. With the help of USANA, I can count on being healthy and know my body is receiving the best vitamins and minerals possible. In turn, I know I can compete at the highest level possible."

Andy Studebaker, National Football League
“As a professional football player, it is crucial for my body to perform and recover at optimal levels. USANA’s MyHealthPak™ has given me the edge I need during a competitive season, and the quality nutrition my body needs to stay in shape in the off-season. With negative media surrounding the supplement industry, USANA provides me with the comfort of knowing that I am worry free, and taking the best products available. As my belief continually grows in USANA, I cannot stop encouraging more friends and family to use the same products I do every single day!”

Nikola Girke, Olympic Windsurfer
“During my Olympic campaign, I know anything can happen on race day. That’s why I want to be prepared. This starts with optimal health, which is why I chose USANA.”

Adam Pengilly, British Bob Skeleton Association
“I chose USANA as my supplement provider in order to maximize my potential and improve my performance. While working toward gold at the 2010 Winter Olympics, every hundredth of a second counts and USANA's safe, high-quality products should help me take a few off through superior training and recovery.”

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